Jun 23, 2021
You may have seen her on CTV's The Social TV show or maybe you've read her book, Happy Go Money. It's also possible you caught her on The Drew Barrymore Show a few weeks ago!
Today I am chatting with Melissa Leong, Canadian Author, Public Speaker and the Financial Expert on The Social. We are talking about all things...
Jun 17, 2021
Do you have a hard time building and sticking to new habits?
Do you get overwhelmed when you are trying to launch or grow your business?
Maybe you are struggling to build a morning routine while working from home full time? You are not alone!
Today I am sharing TEN of my favourite business books with topics ranging...
Jun 3, 2021
I strongly believe in simplifying as much in your business as possible because as entrepreneurs we tend to wear a lot of hats. There are all kinds of tools and resources available to help you with your business and your social media, but how do you know which ones will work for you OR how do you find out what is out...
May 26, 2021
There are so many ideas out there to help you build and grow your social media, so much so that it can be really overwhelming and often paralyzes entrepreneurs because how does one know where to begin?
Today I am walking you through 3 steps to simplify your social media content. It’s time to remove that overwhelm,...
May 12, 2021
My annual goal setting process is one of my favourite business rituals. This is when I review and evaluate my previous year (the achievements and the lessons) as well as when I choose what I want from the year ahead. But I know goal setting can feel overwhelming and it can be hard to figure out where to start.
Today I...